Orthopedic Surgery
Laketown Animal Hospital offers a variety of orthopedic surgeries. With our state-of-the-art equipment and knowledgeable staff, your pet is sure to receive the best of care.
Cruciate Ligament Repair
Ruptured Cruciate Repair
Cruciate ruptures are one of the most common injuries we see at our practice. The cruciate ligament is found in the knee of a dog and helps with stabilization. Cruciate ruptures are more common in large breed dogs and overweight dogs. Added weight causes additional stress on the knee making it more susceptible to injury. For more information click here.
Image provided by Hill's Nutrition
Luxating Patella Repair
A patellar luxation is where your dog's knee cap becomes dislocated. This can be caused by trauma or due to genetics. A luxating patella can cause your dog to be lame. Surgery is often recommended as a repair option. To learn more click here.
Image provided by Hill's Nutrition
Fracture Pins and Plating
Bone fractures are a very common injury seen at veterinary practices and typically require surgery. Depending on the location and type of fracture, stainless steel plates and screws are needed to help stabilize the fracture. For more information click here.
Image provided by Hill's Nutrition
The images and attachments on this page are provided by Hill's Pet Nutrition. For more information visit their website at www.myhillsvet.com.au or follow this link.